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‘Making a Positive Contribution to the Environment through our Food Choices’

The term Climatarian first appeared in the New York Times in 2015 and is defined as ‘a person who chooses what to eat according to what is least harmful to the environment’ in the Cambridge Dictionary

Our daily diet not only influences our health and wellbeing, but also has a significant impact on the climate with agriculture producing approximately a quarter of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Did you know that the carbon footprint varies significantly between different food groups? The production of meat – particularly lamb and beef – has the greatest emission levels of all foods. Beef’s greenhouse gas emissions, per kilogram, is approximately 10 times that of chicken and 20 times that of legumes - lentils, chick peas, beans, nuts and seeds.

By embracing a climate friendly and nature friendly diet, we are making a positive contribution to helping to stop climate change.

The principles of a Climatarian Diet

When selecting foods based on their carbon footprint, you are asking where does your food come from; is it in season and what impact does it have on our climate.

You are electing to eat more unprocessed plant-based foods; whilst reducing your meat intake - in particular beef and lamb - and dairy consumption. You are avoiding foods that are ultra-processed including junk food, vegetable oils and animal products.

You are ensuring your diet features seasonal fruit and vegetables; are sourcing your food from local suppliers and food producers by shopping at local markets or purchasing directly from the farmgate - which, in turn, will assist in the reduction of food miles – with locally produced food having lower carbon footprints.

A climatarian diet offers flexibility – you can elect to include some red meat, locally sourced wild fish, poultry or eggs within your diet; or you can choose to be a flexitarian - a diet of plant food with the occasional inclusion of meat; vegetarian or a full vegan

The Do’s of Being a Climatarian:

· Support local suppliers and food artisans.

· Eat seasonal produce – it also tastes better.

· Reduce your food wastage.

· Reduce plastic packaged goods.

We are passionate about protecting our environment and are proud to have implemented a range of initiatives at Highfields Motel, Lily’s Restaurant and Lily’s Artisans that we know will make a valuable contribution to ensuring our local community is in a better place than when we first arrived.

Disclaimer: If you have any existing medical conditions, please consult your GP before making any significant changes to your diet.

Date Published: June 27, 2022.